Wednesday~it's wednesday ady!!omg....final exam is coming soon, but still gt 1 assignment to pass up nex week, hav to do 2 report for ko-kum activities and oso the slideshow for this coming Sunday Co-cum Carnival...T.T...
Well, about my co-cum activities, v just came bec from our trip from Sandakan wher v were doing our Anak Angkat program at a small village-Kampung Nelayan Tengah, Batu 10....the program held from 17-19th oct, wher v took 8hrs to reach ther from UMS, my ass so pain~Everyone seems reluctant to go ther actually, seems final exam is coming up, n we still hav to do alot of test, assignment and humweks, but wat to do, this program will determine wether v can pass our co-cum subject or not or else, v hav to retake co-cum for the ex semester...
The journey to Sandakan from KK will passing my humtown-Ranau....its quite funny wen everyone of my frens seems so excited wen c the view of the hills n mountain everything wen v on our way to Kundasang n Ranau....it reminds me the time wen i n Ahwong has been called "Sakai" at Times Square wher v took photo wit the xmas tree inside the shopping centre...but now in my mind, they are the trully "sakai" liao, ahahaha....."Wua!!the hills so beautiful o~""wua~~so many fogs~""Wua~~the mountain very high eh~~""Wua....................".......Ahahahaa....
When v reach the village, v being placed to our step family.....all the villagers are Muslim if im not mistaken cos ther's a UMNO logo hanging ther in the dewan....scary....my step family quite nice i think, and their house not as bad as i thought....the hse not really kampung looking la, just ther's a bit problm for the toilet wher ther's alot spaces between the wood, luckily i did borrow my mum sarung to ther, but its really a hard task for me( i think most of the chinese) to bath wit the sarung cover on my body.....(try imagine u cover the sarung on n bath...hahaha)......mine is better than many person le, as i heard some of their hse dun hav a proper toilet lo, only a wall to cover them, they bath behind the wall witout any door locked or close spaces, dengz...or just a hole in the toilet as their toilet bowl....so they just pee and shit to the hole n hv to make sure they shoot accurately.....
3 days passed very fast, n thanx god, v finished it successfully n can go bec hum finally!!! miss my bed neh~n wen reach my hostel, the first thing i do is rush towards the bath rum n clean up myself, clean off the bacteria and virus which had hide on my body for 3 days.....Shuang~~~~~uhuhuhu~~~~by the way.....after i finish my bath n ready to sleep, i just realize my watch has gone!!! i left it in the UMS bus, OMG~~~~~n its already 11pm wen i realize it, i can even remember wat the platform no. of the bus.....wu~wu~it's gone like dat........its a gift from my brother leh.......argh........
What if a person experiencing cirit-birit, I wonder how he/she will aim that hole properly. "Tung kai" also the "yux" stuff.
hey dear. muacks!! hav fun hor? shower more ah dont bring back disease to mama!
Adrian: i think maybe they hav a spare 'tam tong' at hum...u knw dat? the mangkuk for the baby or little kids to berak de, haha....
mama:im very clean liao ma, haha, u bec i must giv u a big bear hugz!!hahaha
so u got how many anak angkat oredi??>...heheh...become like angelina jolie oredi aH?...hehe...a very meaningful programme wo....
COncerining the hole rite....i think it will be a good training to the people staying in my hostel...coz eventhou the hole is so big ( toilet bowl la of course).....still can miss shoot man....make the toilet so.......undescribable....nxt time must bring them to that kampung to practice shooting.....ehehehe,,,,
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