Thursday, January 15, 2009


3 weeks already since UMS started its brand new semester in 2009....but....damn messy yet stupid system of its registeration still havnt recovered yet...and we all still like headless houseflies, fly to the here and ther just to make sure we can get in the class which we demand but cant get it cos of the stupid system....really uncomfortable for us to study during these weeks.....

Today when open my student info system, OMG~my Hubungan Etnik course has disappeared from my system~! wat a BULL SHIT #@%#!@!@%*))&^%!!!!! not only me, my coursemates and other frens oso encounter the same situation, some even worse, all his registered PPIB subjects has been grown feet and run away from his system~!! for your information, it's quite important for a student to make sure all his/her subjects for a particular semester has been registered into the system to make sure he/she qualify to sit for the final exam.

Now what we can do, just keep running to PPiB building everyday just to get any update news from the lecturer.....ZZzzzzz.........

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HapPy nEw YeAr 2009~!!


My wish list for 2009 :
1. Get a better pointer for new semester.
2. Get a brand new car.(Then no need to walk under the big n hot sun at the damn large uni, exhausted u knw sometimes)
3. Be happier.
4. Be smarter.
5. Be healthier.
6. Be slimmer~.
7. Can gather with all my form6 friends one day, so miss them.
8. My all family members can stay happy n healthy.
9. Hair grow longer fast fast.
10. Get more more $$$.
11. My house can finish up being renovated.
12. Can have my own bedroom.
13. All the bad lucks stay away from me.
14. All the annoying person can stay away from me.
15. Stop receiving weird sms from strangers.
16. Grow taller.
17. Be stronger n tougher.
18. Have more time in a sleep....ZZzzzzzzzz.....
19. He can stay healthy n happy all the times.
2009. World Peace.