Sunday, October 25, 2009

"beauty" of maths

sigh~i turned everything into mess again today.........

forced myself to finish revise one chapter in linear algebra.....
and it's freaky damn super hyper confusing and put me on FIRE now~

in maths it's all bout proving and proving, or solve problem.....
what's fun of it is u can solve the problem that had given, but hw if u cant solve it even u've squeeze out all the brain juice out?'s tiring, helpless, fade up, upset, and turns everything wonderful into bloody hell.....end up can only put all the angers on myself........

wat the f**k......nothings better than "dulan" to describe my feeling now.....


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


my little baby~ow~
please wake up~wake up wake up~
at least let me knw u are still alive babe~
cant live witout u my babe~
without u i cant take picture, cant hear my fav songs whenever i like to~


ok, im nt cisin till act insane at here....
wat i mentioned above is bout my 11mnths 5days baby~N85 handphone!!!
my multifunction hp~now become a dead corpse inside my closet.........
im just too clumsy, too forgotten, too..........haei......just too careless till let it drop in2 the SEA together with me and now, my babe is so weak to stay conscious, i hav no idea hw to save it back even i tried to expose it under the sun rite after tat and dried it with the hairdryer.............
im just waiting the time cum and will send it to singapore hospital since it still under warranty........
hopefully it can awake from death.............

miracle.....miracle........looking for miracle now.................(praying hard)

Friday, October 16, 2009


yes im lazy now.......
lazy to do anything since i'd fnshed my midterm during sept.......
just hate this kind of feeling.....
lost my concentrations at all in studies now....
so much things r waiting me ahead to finish it.....
and still, not realli hav my state of mind to do all of them....
and final is coming...(3 more weeksT_T)....

and what had just happened recently has realli frustrated me.....
well,everything just about how i manage my time........
and i admit that im realli damn sucks in my time management.....
no matter for my study, relationship, friends or family......

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ぜんぜん よくないです(not good at all)~!!

Today was my japanese oral test....
How was it overall? Well, I've done it very bad...+_+

Instead of saying that i was panic, i rather say i'm not enough in preparing myself for the test( or i'm too confident with my ability?)


oh ya, been disappeared from my blog for more than a century~hope that there will be more updates on my blog in future~will try hard to fill in more contents to my blog^.^

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer More More Tea~

It's been a long looong time i never update my blog after the Bitchology lazy yet not much time to update my blog, haha....

Just went for a Redang trip last weekends(4D2N) wit my boyfriend(ehem ehem...erm....erm.....he is mr. Alson Lum....can call him Alson...or mr.Lum, kekeke).....but it's considered as 2D2N, because we departed frm SG on thursday nite by bus, till Shah Alam jetty it's friday 7AM, and sunday hav been dragged to beach at 5.30AM!! just to wait the earliest boat to go bec Shah Alam jetty n then wait bus bec to SG.....Zzzzz.....but still, the island trip was best~^.^

*reached Shah Alam jetty(7AM...^yawning)~~
*ready to depart to Redang island(9AM)

*after an hour journey, here we are, Pulau Redang~!! *

*the greenish-blue sea~^.^*

When reach the beach, we need to transfer to another small boat to our resort, n being transfer here, transfer there, i started to feel dizzy and yes, i experienced seasick~ @.@....vomited for 2 times on the boat, the second time was during scuba dive, the wave just makes me feel unwell.....bluerk~@.@*****

The resort we stayed is called Coral resort, its a relax n simple designed chalet n surrounded by the nature living...the first time i saw a big iguana in front of me....make sure tat ur room's door is locked properly, else u might gonna sleep wit these stuffs during midnight~ew......

*cutie squirrel with my Rocky strawberry biscuit stick*

*summer summer*

*the legendary More More Tea hse*

*Capten Jack is bec~!*
well, it's feel relaxing being at redang, we were having 2 scuba diving there, and the underwater creatures were so beautiful n Woaw~Furthermore, the people there all quite friendly even they dunnw u, and we hav a chance to knw a diver from Myanmar who works at the resort, his name pronounced as Aw(i don't knw the exact spelling)....he was so kind n willing to spend his time after his working time just to guide us to watch those underwater livings like the big eel, stonefish, baby shark, and he oso showed me the baby turtles~^.^....very thanx to him....according to him, the turtles usually come to beach for eggs hatching during monsoon, and ther are ard 100++ baby turtles will be hatched out...but due to the baby turtles are the favourite of baby shark, so at the end only left 2 or 3 baby turtles remain alive....poor for those turtle eggs lovers, please think for the poor baby turtles before u eat the nature, save our Mother Earth kay......but i like turtles eggs still......kekekekekeke........
At the nite before we leave, i get a Blue Laguna cocktail while enjoying the live band singing...but the taste nt as nice as its name, taste weird.....nt gud to try...expensive somemore....#.#

*get bec to Shah Alam jetty on the nex morning, and this the Chinatown of Kuala Terengganu, no difference wit Melaka chinatown*
~an unforgetable n nice trip I ever had~lalalalala~
P/s: Oh ya, Potato Tan, i asked a stuff there, Pulau Perhentian just an hour journey form Redang island, n she said August dun hav Monsoon lei, actually is the most calming season n gt alot tourists from Europe cos Europe Skul Holiday~!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Im a BITCH~?
yeah~I AM......cheerssss~

"Just because I have my standards, they think i'm a BITCH"
-by Diana Ross

Sunday, May 10, 2009

HApPy MoTher's Day to all the mothers around the world~

To my mummy~I love u always~muaks~!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Lazy day......堕落的一天

->wake up at noon.......

->then having brunch.....

->online, check mail, facebook a while......

->watch tv.........

->take some nap........

->at nite follw daddy to attend his fren's daughter wedding dinner.....

->2nd round go hav some drinks n fun wit my frens at pub........

->reach hum at about 3am......

a day witout learning n revisions~
im so proud wit myself.........

start from sunday till tuesday......i sure die gao gao.........+_+

God bless me.....Amitaba......Amen...........

Thursday, April 30, 2009


4 more papers to go for next week.....


mon: Financial Management(9am), Japanese(2pm)
tues: Object Oriented Programming(9am)
wed: Student Organization Management(KPO)(9am)
did u see that?can anybody tell me wat the relationship of those subjects above(except Jap) wit my course "Maths with Econ"...?why shud i take programming since ther are
TWO BIG words stated ther "MATHS & ECON".....and so far, i just had
took 2 papers which i think is 100% relevant to my course which r Maths II and Macroeconomics I....dengz +_+....


P/s: starting to countdown for the coming days of my wonderful 2months skul break~muahahahahaha......->Singapore->Genting,->Redang/Langkawi~*weeeeeee**

Thursday, April 9, 2009



* 学会 沉默

* 至少 平静
在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐。坚强是绝对需要的,但是快乐? 在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你了。毕竟,谁能在跌得头破血流的时候还觉得高兴?但是至少可以做到平静。平静地看待这件事,平静地把其他该处理的事处理好。平静,没有快乐,也没有不快乐。

* 学会弯腰
这会是我意外的收获 和别人发生意见上的纷歧,甚造成言语上的冲突,所以你闷闷不乐,因为你觉得都是别人恶意。别再耿耿于怀了,回家去擦地板吧。拎一块抹布,弯下腰,双膝着地,把你面前这张地板的每个角落来回擦拭干净。然后重新省思自己在那场冲突,所说过的每一句话。现在,你发现自己其实也有不对的地方了,是不是?你渐渐心平气和了,是不是?有时候你必须学习弯腰,因为这个动作可以让你谦卑。劳动身体的同时,你也擦亮了自己的心绪。而且,你还拥有了一张光洁的地板呢。这是你的第二个收获。

* 不要想 如果 当初

* 努力吧 不管成功与否 至少曾经美丽

* 保持单纯

* 偶尔"俗气"...

* 控制情绪 别浪费了~

* 抓住最好的时机 绝不错过

* 偶尔的出离轨道

* 悄悄 悄悄地 回归平静..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April fool…..A big JOKE~

What do remind you of April Fool?
1st April? Trick? Play around people? Joke?'s really a HUGE JOKE for me ~it's like playing roller coaster with up and down feeling................

thanx to's u the one who teach me to be more careful with my properties along wherever i go in future.....'Lei Hou Yeh~~'....

seems it's April Fool~and with the cant-be-mad and cant-be-angry rule, just accept the 'Joke' with my 'generous' heart with some fractious content inside......

FoRg iVe and..........NEVER foRgeT~

Tuesday, March 31, 2009






到了课室,才被通知Oop assignment 下个星期三交,本来这个星期四要考的数学Final也退去下个星期一。。。不知该觉得庆幸还是该骂人。。。白忙~!自找辛苦~!害我独自这几天都在忙assignment要生要死,今天才懂下个星期交,它妈的%$#&^@!!!


Monday, March 9, 2009


my brain becomes rusted~

my body has grow thousand of lazy worms~

LAZY to do anything~

so lazy to care wateva happens around me now~

sien arrrr....................................................................

Saturday, February 21, 2009





Thursday, February 12, 2009


Bad mood bad mood………
Well, since I’m so ‘soi’ these few days, blogging is the best way I release my anger and distress instead of keep it inside my heart n cos internal injury in future.

Im sure I will be the victim of Alzheimer in future, becos of my malfunction of my nerves n brain……my memory is getting worse recently, owes forgt this and that, take the bag n forgt my hp, take my hp forgt my wallet, maybe one day later I might forgt to wear pants n leave house like that…..

I can easily left my hp n hostel door key on the table at hostel which I just hold them in my hand a minute ago and went to school like that. It was happened yesterday, when back from school ard 4.45pm, I can’t enter my house without the key cos the door had been locked, I forced to went to the HEP office to get the spare keys from a staff there, who is a bxtch woman staff with her face as busuk as the a tone of 2 years accumulated rubbishes, fxcking damn unkindness no matter her way of talking or looking…..i wonder how the other staffs can work together with her……after got the keys and entered my hostel house finally, I rushed bec to the office to return the key before the office closed at 5pm, cos if I return it on the next day, I need to pay extra rm1 for it, and it’s not worth for me to do so since I’m so unsatisfied the way the bxtch treat me…sori la…

The next day, the bad luck god hasn’t leave me yet….i went to citymall with Amanda, Dalton and Graham for our lunch and shop for my course mate-Lee Fen birthday present. We bought a cloth for her, when doing payment, I just realized that my wallet only left a piece of RM50, which I remember I had take out RM 200 a day be4, now only left RM50, where the other RM 150??? I tried recall bec what I had done after went to ATM………………………………………….

After take out the money from CiMB bank, I went to PPiB to meet my Japanese lecturer concerning my replacement class, and then to library for 2-3hrs, I never left out my bag during the time, so the $$ still along with me….ok lets c after that, after library, I went bec hostel, and went to HEP office for the spare keys, then entered my hostel house, put off my bag and jacket, took my hp and the keys and rushed bec to the office….hmm?...Wait…was the $$ being stolen at this time? Well, I think of hundreds of times, the probability of my $$ stolen during the time I went to office to return the key is 90%, becos after that I never went out to anywhere till the next day to skul and citymall, and I never take out my wallet from my bag too till I went to citymall….Alrite, the next part which more excited was, I had locked the door when I went to office, so that’s mean from the 90% of probability, it is 100% that the person/ ghost who stole my $$ was inside my hostel! That’s mean is my house mate! (my roommate hasn’t beck yet that day, and I just realized they all inside their room while I was seeking help from somebody to help me open door, holly shit$#%##!@^*) Well, it’s my 2nd time my $$ being stolen at hostel, the 1st time oso occurred when I was in hostel during last semester which I thought is my mistaken seem its only RM50….

Argh……it’s remind me the article about the zodiac fortune for 2009, it has mentioned that Dragon year is not good in wealth in this Ox year…zzzz….before this lose my umbrella, now lose $$, nt sure it’s just a coincidence or im the unlucky person among them, argh…….now it’s no use for me to think who is the bxtch thief that stole my $$, since I have no any evidence or CCTV inside the hostel, just blame myself for being so careless everytime, so just treat it as a lesson for me to be more careful on take care of my properties no matter where I am from now…..

Monday, February 9, 2009




对了,就是这里(图书馆のlocker room),我的雨伞被不知哪个王八蛋偷去了,臭鸡蛋,没道德,无耻,下奸,如果让我知道哪个王八蛋干的好事,就拿着雨伞追着你打…………

Thursday, January 15, 2009


3 weeks already since UMS started its brand new semester in 2009....but....damn messy yet stupid system of its registeration still havnt recovered yet...and we all still like headless houseflies, fly to the here and ther just to make sure we can get in the class which we demand but cant get it cos of the stupid system....really uncomfortable for us to study during these weeks.....

Today when open my student info system, OMG~my Hubungan Etnik course has disappeared from my system~! wat a BULL SHIT #@%#!@!@%*))&^%!!!!! not only me, my coursemates and other frens oso encounter the same situation, some even worse, all his registered PPIB subjects has been grown feet and run away from his system~!! for your information, it's quite important for a student to make sure all his/her subjects for a particular semester has been registered into the system to make sure he/she qualify to sit for the final exam.

Now what we can do, just keep running to PPiB building everyday just to get any update news from the lecturer.....ZZzzzzz.........

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HapPy nEw YeAr 2009~!!


My wish list for 2009 :
1. Get a better pointer for new semester.
2. Get a brand new car.(Then no need to walk under the big n hot sun at the damn large uni, exhausted u knw sometimes)
3. Be happier.
4. Be smarter.
5. Be healthier.
6. Be slimmer~.
7. Can gather with all my form6 friends one day, so miss them.
8. My all family members can stay happy n healthy.
9. Hair grow longer fast fast.
10. Get more more $$$.
11. My house can finish up being renovated.
12. Can have my own bedroom.
13. All the bad lucks stay away from me.
14. All the annoying person can stay away from me.
15. Stop receiving weird sms from strangers.
16. Grow taller.
17. Be stronger n tougher.
18. Have more time in a sleep....ZZzzzzzzzz.....
19. He can stay healthy n happy all the times.
2009. World Peace.