After dat v continued chit chating and talk bout their study life at Nanyang Polytechnic, they seems very hapi and relax in their studies....compared wit us at local U where everyone almost die and keep complaining about too much assignments to do and thousands of test and quiz everyday..........jealous jealous!!! Of cos in our conversation, v wont miss the chance to 'gong yan dei si fei', shhss......hehe:X.......about 4.30pm, v finished up our gathering and decided to sing K on Tuesday seems it is public holiday....who knows....on dat day, everyone keep put me an aeroplane and the plan cancelled.....ZZzzz......
Havnt end yet....tat day a day b4 Mid-Autumn festival...
and v hav celebrated it at the sport complex of UMS....Due to im late dat nite, din manage to eat even a small piece of mooncake, sob sob T.T.....they started at 9pm & i reached at 10++pm....the mooncake 'sao dong' ady...
guess wat the guys try to do...
from left: Xiao wen, Chun Wai, me & Amanda..
During v r enjoying our lantern raising, suddenly gt two uninvited ppl, someone from HEP or guard(dunnw who r them actually)came and suspected us having an illegal assembly at skul area, he said dat v hav to write a formal letter and apply to HEP to get permission 1st....Abang ah, u knw u and ur kakak2 n abang2 work very "efficiency" ma? come "early" to work and go bec hum "late"........apply to HEP means dat v can celebrate Xmas liao la !! One of my fren apologized to them and keep repeating:"sorry sir, v r 1st year, v dunno about dat.....sorry sir, v r 1st year......sorry sir, v r 1st year...", haha...after disturbed us for 10 minutes, the two abang satisfied and goyang their ass said bye bye to us....
At about 11pm, i went bec hum and my best fren come visit me again, which force me to eat my vitamin-Panadol and sleep till the nex afternun.....~~~